Monster Hunter World Admiral

Monster Hunter World Admiral; Admiral is a character in the 2018 video game Monster Hunter World. He is introduced as an old friend of the protagonist and a member of the Research Commission. He is a master blacksmith and a brilliant inventor. He plays an important role in the game as he helps the protagonist to craft and upgrade weapons. He also provides the player with information and resources.

Monster Hunter World Admiral; Background

Admiral is a master blacksmith of the Research Commission and resides in Astera. He is an old friend of the protagonist and has known them for years. He is an expert in the art of weapon-crafting and is responsible for creating and upgrading the protagonist’s weapons. He is also knowledgeable about the game’s monsters and can provide helpful information about them.


Admiral is a wise, calm and collected character. He is very knowledgeable about the game’s monsters and has a great understanding of the game’s mechanics. He is wise and patient, and always willing to help the protagonist when needed. Despite his age, he is still a formidable blacksmith and a brilliant inventor. He is also a friendly and generous person, always willing to share his knowledge with the players.


Admiral has a close friendship with the protagonist and is always willing to provide them with resources and advice. He is also respected by the other members of the Research Commission and is seen as a mentor and friend by them. Despite his age, he is still respected and trusted by the other members of the Commission.


Admiral is an expert blacksmith and is capable of crafting and upgrading weapons for the protagonist. He is also knowledgeable about the game’s monsters and can provide helpful information about them. He is a brilliant inventor and is capable of creating complex weapons and gadgets. He also has access to a wide range of resources and materials which can be used to craft powerful weapons.

Monster Hunter World Admiral; Conclusion

Admiral is a major character in Monster Hunter World and plays an important role in the game. He is an old friend of the protagonist, a master blacksmith and a brilliant inventor. He provides the protagonist with resources and knowledge and is respected by the other members of the Research Commission. He is also capable of crafting and upgrading powerful weapons as well as creating complex gadgets. Admiral is a wise and knowledgeable character who helps the protagonist throughout the game.